Oh, procrastination. You're the bane of our existence. We all do it and we all hate it. But is procrastination always bad? Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon and determine whether or not you are a true procrastinator—and what you can do about it!
Did you see the title of this post and roll your eyes? I bet you're in a rush to get to the next thing on your to-do list, or maybe even finish reading this article so that you can go back to what's important—like getting ready for work in the morning!
You may have seen the title and rolled your eyes. Did you actually read this post, or did you put it off until later, because it wasn't urgent right now?

What Does Procrastinating Mean?
If you’re someone who procrastinates on a regular basis, it may be time to get serious about your work habits. Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing an action until a later time—and while that sounds like it could be a good thing (hey, more time!), it rarely turns out that way.
The true definition of procrastination is “delaying something that needs to be done in order to do something less important now.” It can be intentional or unintentional; sometimes you just don’t feel like doing what needs doing and other times you have no idea what else there is for you to do at all!
Procrastination can often evolve into a form of self-sabotage in which we set ourselves up for failure by putting off our goals long enough that they become unattainable or impossible in their current state—or even worse yet: simply forgotten about altogether!
Procrastination is a common behavior that can have negative consequences, such as decreased productivity, increased stress, and feelings of guilt or shame.
Why do We Procrastinate? What Causes Procrastination?
We procrastinate because it's easier to put off doing something than to actually do it. It's a lot easier to watch Netflix and eat popcorn than it is to write that essay on the Civil War.
It's also easy for us not to do things that we don't enjoy or feel like are not important, because who wants to be bothered with doing work they don't want or need?
There are many reasons why people procrastinate. Some common reasons include:
1. Lack of Motivation
Procrastination can occur when an individual lacks motivation or interest in a task or activity.
2. Feeling Overwhelmed
Procrastination can be a way of coping with feelings of overwhelm or stress.
3. Lack of Clear Goals or Priorities
When an individual is unsure of what they want to achieve or how to prioritise their tasks, they may procrastinate.
4. Perfectionism
Some people may procrastinate because they feel that their work must be perfect, which can be an unrealistic and unattainable goal.
5. Fear of Failure
Procrastination can be a way of avoiding the possibility of failure or disappointment.
6. Avoidance of Difficult or Unpleasant Tasks
Procrastination can be a way of avoiding tasks that are perceived as difficult or unpleasant.
7. Unhealthy Coping Mechanism for Negative Emotions
Procrastination can also be a coping mechanism for managing anxiety or other negative emotions.
Overall, there are many different reasons why people procrastinate, and the specific causes may vary from person to person. Understanding the underlying reasons for procrastination can be helpful in finding ways to address and manage this behavior.
Procrastination can be harmful to an individual's well-being and can interfere with achieving personal and professional goals. However, it is a behavior that can be addressed and managed with the right strategies and support.
What is a Procrastinate Person?
A procrastinate person is someone who puts off an action, delays, postpones or defers something until a more convenient or more suitable time. A procrastinate person avoids carrying out a task that needs to be done. They are habitually lazy and lack the motivation and discipline to complete tasks on time.
Procrastination is a behavior that can be addressed and managed with the right strategies and support. If you are a procrastinator, it is important to recognise this tendency and to take steps to overcome it in order to improve your productivity and well-being.
What Are the 4 Types of Procrastinators?
In the past, you might have thought that procrastination was a problem that only affected lazy people. After all, if you're doing your job and meeting deadlines, why would you need to worry about procrastination?
Researchers who've studied the topic have found that procrastination can affect anyone.
Procrastinators come in many different forms—and recognising how your behavior is affecting your life (and even others) can help motivate you to change it.
There are many different types of procrastinators, and the specific types may vary depending on the classification system used. Here are four common types of procrastinators:
1. The Perfectionist
This type of procrastinator may delay starting a task because they want everything to be perfect. They may set unrealistic standards for themselves and may feel overwhelmed by the pressure to succeed.
2. The Overbooker or People Pleaser
This type of procrastinator tends to take on too many tasks and may have difficulty prioritising and managing their time. They may feel overwhelmed and may procrastinate as a way of coping with this stress.
3. The Indecisive Decision-Maker
This type of procrastinator may struggle with making decisions, which can lead to delays in completing tasks. They may worry about making the wrong decision or may be indecisive due to a fear of failure.
4. The Avoidance Procrastinator
This type of procrastinator may avoid tasks that they perceive as difficult or unpleasant. They may use procrastination as a way of avoiding tasks that they find intimidating or that they do not enjoy.
Overall, there are many different types of procrastinators, and the specific type that an individual falls into may depend on their personal characteristics and habits. Understanding the specific type of procrastinator you are can help you to develop strategies to overcome this tendency.
Is Procrastination a Mental Illness?
Most people procrastinate, whether it’s cleaning their apartment or filing taxes. In fact, we all procrastinate at some point in our lives. Sometimes you might even feel like it's a problem that you can't overcome! However, as long as you commit to working through the issue and developing good habits, there is hope for your future.
You might be wondering if procrastination is actually a mental illness—and after reading this article I'm sure you'll have an answer for yourself!
Procrastination is not classified as a mental illness. However, it is a common behavior that can have negative consequences on an individual's well-being and can interfere with achieving personal and professional goals.
Procrastination can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a lack of motivation or interest in a task, feelings of overwhelm or stress, lack of clear goals or priorities, perfectionism, fear of failure, or avoidance of difficult or unpleasant tasks. It can also be a coping mechanism for managing anxiety or other negative emotions.
If you are struggling with procrastination and it is impacting your daily life and well-being, it is important to seek support from a mental health professional. They can help you to identify the underlying causes of your procrastination and to develop strategies to overcome it.
How to Stop Procrastinating?
As a Counselling Psychologist who has seen many people experiencing issues with procrastination, including at times myself, I've learned that when you're stuck starting a task, there are a number of things to do. Here are some tips for stopping procrastination:
Identify the cause of your procrastination: Understanding the underlying reasons for your procrastination can help you to develop strategies to address it.
Set specific and achievable goals: Setting clear and achievable goals can help you to stay motivated and on track.
Break tasks into smaller steps: Large tasks can seem overwhelming, so breaking them down into smaller steps can make them more manageable and easier to tackle.
Establish a routine: Establishing a regular routine can help you to stay organised and focused.
Remove distractions: Removing distractions, such as turning off your phone or finding a quiet place to work, can help you to stay focused on your tasks.
Use a timer: Setting a timer for a specific amount of time can help you to stay focused and motivated to complete a task.
Seek support: If you are struggling to stop procrastinating, consider seeking support from a mental health professional or a support group. They can provide you with guidance and tools for overcoming procrastination.
Overall, stopping procrastination requires identifying the cause, setting specific and achievable goals, breaking tasks down into smaller steps, establishing a routine, removing distractions, using a timer, and seeking support as needed. With practice and persistence, you can overcome procrastination and improve your productivity.
Finally (and most importantly), take action! Just do it! Start! This is where all the hard work comes in: actually doing what needs doing instead of putting it off until tomorrow or next week or next month...and then never actually getting anything done at all because it feels like too much effort at this point! Often when you take the first step the rest is much easier.
Can a Psychologist Help with Procrastination?
Yes, a psychologist can help with procrastination. Procrastination is a common problem that can have a negative impact on a person's personal and professional life. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including low self-esteem, perfectionism, difficulty managing time, lack of motivation, or difficulty with decision-making.
A psychologist can work with you to identify the underlying causes of your procrastination and develop strategies to help you overcome it. This may include techniques such as setting specific and achievable goals, breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks, and using positive self-talk to motivate yourself. It may also involve addressing any underlying emotional or psychological issues that may be contributing to your procrastination.
A psychologist can help with procrastination and any underlying mental health issues. We can also help you to deal with stress and anxiety, overcome bad habits, and develop better study and work practices.
Psychologists are professionals who have advanced degrees in psychology. We undergo rigorous training to learn how to diagnose and treat mental health problems. This means they take classes on how the brain works and learn how to use evidence-based treatment techniques that have been shown through research studies to be effective at treating problems like stress, depression or anxiety issues.
When seeing a psychologist for your issues around procrastination it may be helpful to talk about what you know about yourself so far: what your beliefs are about yourself; what’s working well in your life right now; where you want things to go next; etc.
Procrastination can be a tough habit to break. We all know that feeling of dread when we can't seem to get started on something because it just seems too big or too hard. But there is hope! With some determination, self-awareness and attention from a psychologist or counselor, you can overcome procrastination once and for all.
Help is Available
If you, or a mate, are experiencing difficulty, support is available. Please contact iflow psychology today or book an appointment.
You can book an appointments online, or by calling my friendly admin staff on 02 6061 1144.
iflow psychology offers in-person, telehealth and telephone counselling. We are registered psychologists. We also offer Medicare Rebates when you have a doctors referral and Mental Health Plan. We would love to be part of your journey.
Location Details: iflow psychology is located in Leichhardt Inner West Sydney NSW Australia
The information provided in this article is for information purposes only.
It is always advisable to speak with your treating doctor, health professionals, and legal representatives before making decisions.
This is particularly important if you have: health concerns; existing mental health or medical conditions; or feel you are not coping.
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