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NSW Firearm License Psychological Assessments

iflow Psychology - Leaders in psychological care.

Shooting Range

NSW Firearm License Psychological Assessments

iflow Psychology - Leaders in psychological care.

Professional Firearm License Assessments in Sydney

Are you applying for a firearm license in NSW and need a mental health assessment?
At iflow Psychology, we understand the importance of thorough and professional psychological assessments for firearm licenses.
Our experienced psychologists are here to guide you through this process with expertise, compassion, and confidentiality.​​​

Why Choose iflow Psychology for Your Firearm License Assessment?

At iflow Psychology, we pride ourselves on offering a seamless and supportive experience tailored to meet the specific requirements of the NSW firearms licence and NSW firearms registry. Our services include:

  • Confidentiality: We adhere to strict ethical standards and legislative requirements, protecting your privacy throughout the firearm licence NSW assessment process.

  • Expertise: Our registered psychologists are highly experienced in conducting firearm licence NSW assessments and providing accurate and reliable evaluations.

  • Compassion: We understand that undergoing a gun licence NSW psychological assessment can be daunting. Our team approaches each individual with empathy and respect, ensuring you feel comfortable and supported.

  • Personalised Care: Every assessment is tailored to your unique situation, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation that meets all regulatory requirements for your NSW gun licence.

  • Efficiency: We understand the importance of timely assessments. Our streamlined process ensures that your evaluation is conducted promptly, with minimal disruption to your schedule.​​

How to Get Started

Your journey towards obtaining your NSW shooters licence starts with a professional psychological assessment at iflow Psychology.


To make the process as easy as possible, follow these steps:

1. Book online:

To book your assessment package, call us on 02 6061 1144 or complete the form below. Then, choose a convenient time and date that suits your schedule. You must book two sessions with at least six days in between.

2. Complete your assessment:

One of our experienced psychologists will conduct the comprehensive evaluation required for your firearms license NSW application.

You will be required to attend two scheduled appointments, which can be face-to-face or via telehealth. In between the appointments, you will be sent a comprehensive assessment to complete before your second appointment. 

3. Your letter is sent to the NSW Firearms Registry:

After your assessment, we will lodge the required paperwork to the NSW Firearms Registry, meeting the requirements of the NSW firearms registry for your firearms application NSW.

It is then up to the NSW Firearms Registry to make the final decision incorporating information from various sources. They will notify you of the outcome.

Contact Us


48 Norton Street



Phone: 02 6061 1144

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Psychology Assessment Today!

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